This website shows daily COVID-19 testing locations across Anchorage, Alaska. No maps, no forms, no filters. This is used by the city of Anchorage.

I created a project to explore how a half-trillion dollars of federal funds go to Washington D.C. contractors and competitors in 50 states.

This D3 and React project allows users to create a custom holding period portfolio of assets and compare returns with historical data.

TL:DR, I made an rmarkdown site tracking Alaska’s early and mail vote as ballots arrived each day in October/November 2020.

Experimental Mapbox-gl.js project to draw live geojson in reponse to mouse movement.

Experimental D3 for exploring airport runway orientations across the United States.

Experimental react.js app to organize contracts.

D3 map redrawing based on mouseover. Inspired by NYTimes.

Exploring the endlessly creative Alaska marijuana store names with React.

R tidytext sentiment and topic analysis of two decades of Amazon shareholder letters + D3 visualizations.

Longform podcast website. Pilot episode about Alaska long range radar installations.

A what-if calculator for compounding Alaska Permanent Fund Dividends over four decades. One of my first React projects.

A node.js bot that tweets the thousands of companies Alaskans own in the Alaska Permanent Fund.

Mapbox-GL election results precinct map for Anchroage Daily News.
Iditarod Projects

This Mapbox-gl D3 experiment blends race results visualizations, satellite imagery, and 1,000 miles of simulated flying along the trail.

One of my first D3 projects. This set of D3 visualizations involving scraping 40 years of Iditarod Trail Sled Dog race splits.

This animation recreates the entire 2019 Iditarod using checkpoint times sheets. R and D3. Best on desktop.

Exploring a particularly large amount of Iditrod Sled Dog Race scratches.