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Alaska Wildfire Growth Animations

The 2019 fire season has been destructive and long-lasting. More than 2.5 million acres have been burned across 707 fires as of September 9, 2019, according to the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center .

Below are videos showing the mapped fire perimeters growth over the course of the summer (until the end of August).

Statewide Fires

Swan Lake Fire

The Swan Lake fire has burned since the start of summer and sent a lot of smoke across southcentral Alaska.

Fairbanks Area

The Fairbanks area was burning hot before a load of rain slowed thing in the middle of the summer.


The fire perimeter data comes from the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center. Satellite imagary is from Sentinal Hub EO Browser. Various basemaps are from Natural Earth. Please don’t mind the extreme hillshade vertical exaggeration.

It was animated in QGIS using the wonderful Time Manager plugin.